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Two minds circulate within the shared space of an idea – an existential, abstract, and immaterial pas de deux.

They are two and yet only one, a synapse between two neurons, two parts of a whole, a beginning and an end.

Matomari no nai seeks to illustrate the symbiosis between two beings and the sharing of existence, expressed through the movement of bodies that dance as if speaking, in a physical language that dissects their relationship with each other and with life through the anatomy of an embrace.

Artistic Direction & Choreography: Catarina Casqueiro & Tiago Coelho
Performers: Catarina Casqueiro & Tiago Coelho
Lighting Design: Paulo Santos
Sound & Music Editing: Artur Guimarães
Photography: Alessandro De Matteis, Terry Lin, Valerio Baranovic, Ricardo António
Video Director: Filipa Amaro
Cinematography: João Bernardo Sousa
Video Music Edition: João Reis
Support: Jazzy Dance Studios

Matomari No Nai


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